Spectrograph Mode for Voice ID

Voice Spectrograph Mode for voice comparison and identification.

The free-ware Sound Spectrograph is a tool which has been much used to study sounds, notably speech, since the 1940s. Most versions store the sound, and then analyse it, displaying the results on a screen or on a paper printout. We utilize quality analogue or digital audio recordings for storage and archival purposes prior to computer display and print analysis.

The display, called a spectrogram or voiceprint, is a picture in which:

(a) the brightness of a position represents the amplitude of a frequency component

(b) the vertical axis represents frequency of sound

(c) the horizontal axis represents time.

The Sound Software program differs from the majority of spectrographs in that it operates continuously, performing sound input, analysis into frequencies, and a horizontally scrolled display. The scrolling should be smooth, with jerky movements indicating an overload of processor time. Operation can be stopped, and the display frozen, at any time so that the picture of a chosen sound can be examined at leisure, and printed out if required.

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